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Sarah Gratte

Head of Code Management

Sarah has an in-depth understanding of the governance arrangements and industry systems within the GB electricity industry, gained through over a 20-year period. She is currently Gemserv’s Head of Code Management and responsible for all client contracts covering code administration and secretariat services, project management and assurance services within the energy, environment and smart sectors. As contract manager, Sarah meets with key clients at least quarterly to review feedback, report on progress and discuss contractual amendments.

Sarah joined Gemserv as a Senior Consultant in 2010, providing subject matter expertise to the Smart Metering Implementation Programme (SMIP) attending working groups covering the developing technical, security and regulatory arrangements. This role included the development and implementation of new regulatory requirements as a result of the evolving Smart Energy Code landscape, development of stakeholder relationships, project management in terms of reporting on progress against user obligations and the provision of high quality delivery to our client.

The introduction of new smart arrangements led to changes in other industry codes, Sarah was involved in the development of new system changes for the transfer of new data items from Distribution Businesses for use in smart arrangements under the Master Registration Agreement.