

What Does "Skills England" Mean for Training and Education in Retrofit and Low Carbon Heating?

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Securing Cyber-Physical Systems for a Defence Manufacturer

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Data illustration | Gemserv CapabilitiesData illustration | Gemserv Capabilities


The shift to a smarter, more connected, world is accelerating and data is transforming the way businesses understand and interact with their customers. We work collaboratively with our clients to help them prepare for and navigate the changes underway across their sectors. Our advice, insight and technical expertise is provided through a comprehensive range of services which can be delivered at all stages of projects, programmes and major initiatives.

Our Capability Expertise

  • Someone charging an EV | sustainable transport

    Sustainable Transport

    We are an expert provider of professional services enabling the Clean Transport revolution for all market actors.

  • Blockchain Concept and City Network of Manhattan | Consultancy services at Gemserv


    Our expert consultancy services help businesses make the right decisions and gain competitive advantage.

  • Cyber Security

    Proactive approach to protection.

  • Data, Analytics & AI

    Data is at the heart of an organisation’s digital transformation. We can help you overcome challenges to deliver the right data to support your business.

  • Data illustration | Gemserv Capabilities

    Data Protection

    Data protection for a new landscape.

  • Digital Transformation

    We use the power of data and technology to create meaningful business change. For good.

  • Procurement & Commercial

    We provide strategic procurement and supply chain management services and will work with you to deliver value throughout your procurement and contract management activities.

  • Project & Programme Management

    We provide professional services enabling the transformation of industries. Using our insight we work collaboratively with stakeholders to ensure complex markets work for everyone ...

  • Cabling, circuits in gold


    Our services help establish and maintain innovative market arrangements to enable change and ensure everyone can compete on a level playing field.

  • Scheme Management

    We design, develop and manage assurance schemes for some of the most significant industry initiatives including smart metering and retail market entry.

  • Strategy

    We support organisations with their strategy formulation and implementation, helping them achieve their vision.

  • Testing & Assurance

    Our professional services help organisations develop robust processes to meet regulatory and best practice standards. We also help clients prepare for key changes to existing mar ...

    Our Latest Thoughts

    • Abstract of United Kingdom map network, internet and global connection concept, Wire Frame 3D mesh polygonal network line, design sphere, dot and structure.

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      Blog, Insight

      The Digital Information and Smart Data Bill – what do we know so far?

    • Women in Construction Image | Green Jobs Forecasting Research

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      Blog, Thought Leadership

      What Does "Skills England" Mean for Training and Education in Retrofit and Low Carbon Heating?

    • Sun rays bursting through trees

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      Research Papers, Blog

      Gemserv Summary: CCC 2024 Report to Parliament

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      Global Chaos as Microsoft Outage Disrupts Critical Services

    • Futuristic global network and tacit digital data transfer 3D graphic. Concept of smart digital transformation and technology disruption that changes global trends in new information era.

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      Case Study, Insight

      Securing Cyber-Physical Systems for a Defence Manufacturer

    • Image concept of fingerprint technology scan provides security access. Advanced technological verification future and cybernetic. Biometrics authentication and identity.

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      Blog, Insight

      CTI: Harnessing the MITRE EMB3D Framework for Enhanced Security