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Cyber defence: Ensure your organisation is prepared

It is important that all levels of an organisation are given the training to deal with cyber incidents, gaining experience in a ‘safe’ and realistic setting, so that in the event of a real-life attack, your NHS trust can respond in a timely and well structured manner.​

Gemserv’s Cyber Security and Healthcare units conduct Cyber Incident Response workshops, using scenario-based exercises to test the effectiveness of the organisation’s Cyber Incident Management Plan.​

The Cyber Incident Response workshops are developed in line with international best practice guidance for responding to cyber incidents, providing all participants with experience in the identification, containment, eradication and recovery phases of cyber incident response.​

Gemserv present a bespoke scenario developed for the organisation, based on our experience of resolving cyber security incidents throughout the UK’s Critical National Infrastructure, including the healthcare sector.

Exercising cyber security responses enables an organisation to identify gaps and improvements to the incident response process and plan. The benefits include:

  • Understand how well existing cyber security defences and processes would cope if they were to face a real cyber security incident in the future
  • Increase familiarisation and awareness of the organisation’s Cyber Incident Management Plan as well as expert feedback
  • Provide insight into the challenges of a multi-tenanted incident response activity, in a safe and simulated environment
  • Ensure compliance with NHS best practice: Clause 7 of the DSPT requirements.

“It was an incredibly valuable event and we were very pleased to facilitate it. The lessons learnt will help C&M HCP be more resilient to cyber-attacks, both through prevention and recovery management.”

Paul Young, Cyber Resilience Programme Manager of NHS Cheshire and Merseyside

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