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Private & blended finance retrofit: lessons from a pioneering partnership

Date of event 15 May 2024

Time 12:00 - 13:00

Location Online

This May Sustainable Housing Action Partnership will be hosting the second in the series of their ‘Innovative retrofit finance models’ lunch and learns.

In this lunch and learn you will be hearing from Matt Ferretti (Head of Partnerships, Green Finance Institute) and Todd Holden (Energy Policy and Programmes Lead, Greater Manchester Combined Authority) who will be sharing the learnings from their collaboration in Greater Manchester to deliver financial solutions that unlock funding for owner-occupied and privately rented homes.

Also speaking will be Gemserv’s Ben Madden (Senior Consultant – Low Carbon, Gemserv), who will join Matt and Todd in sharing their reflections on the critical role of local authorities and views on what other factors need to be addressed to enable the scaling of retrofit in the UK.











How to listen?

If you would like to register for this webinar, please follow the link below.


Ben Madden

Senior Consultant - Low Carbon

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