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An Educated Journey to a Low Carbon Transition - HydrogenAn Educated Journey to a Low Carbon Transition - Hydrogen


An Educated Journey to a Low Carbon Transition

5th Jun, 2019

Challenge & Vision

This project involved a partnership with the Hydrogen Hub, collaborating with a leading car leasing company and a large bank to focus on sustainability in business. Working together, the project aim was to deliver an educational resource to promote hydrogen mobility as a sustainable fuel. In order to create a successful educational resource, we needed to fully understand the specifics of how lessons are taught and assessed in schools today.

Students are increasingly interested in topics surrounding climate change, evidenced by recent changes in the school curriculum to include these. As this interest rises, businesses can play a key role in promoting sustainable development in the form of corporate social responsibility practices. We envisioned creating an educational pack that is not only highlights the benefits of fuel cell technology.


By utilising both the specialist energy and educational knowledge possessed in the Gemserv team, we were able to develop a powerful educational resource. By uploading the resource online, we were able to have a national reach of the education pack and maximise downloads. Rigorous testing in schools prior to the launch ensured that the pack was of optimal quality.

Outcome & Positive Change

The campaign is still ongoing with downloads of the education pack increasing on a daily basis. We expect the resource to be downloaded by thousands of teachers and to subsequently reach a substantial number of students.

Through this huge outreach, the clients are viewed as a pioneer in promoting sustainability in their respective industries, in addition to the educational benefit that the resource allows the vast number of pupils that have been taught the lesson. We have paved the way for a combination of effective use of CSR to both improve education and promote sustainability.

  • Five 5* Teacher Reviews
  • 1 Shortlisted - Business Green Awards
