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Gemserv accredited with IIP Gold for third time consecutively

18th May, 2023

In the last three years, since Gemserv was last accredited to Investors in People (IIP) Gold, the company has changed. An acquisition took us into the Low Carbon sector, which was a critical move for our strategic vision.

Like many other businesses, we have dealt with the impact of the COVID pandemic, adjusting to a hybrid working culture. Most excitingly, earlier this year we embraced an ownership change, becoming part of the Talan Consulting Group, a global organisation.

Against that backdrop we are pleased to announce that we have achieved re-accreditation under the Investors in People Gold standard.

Alex Goody, Gemserv CEO said:

“Gemserv is all about our people and we strive hard to make it a great place to work. IIP Gold puts us in the top 26% of companies globally that undertake this accreditation. I am really pleased that we have been reaccredited to gold that underlines this commitment.”

The Investors in People process challenges organisations to strive to improve and the rigorous assessment provides a valuable independent view of Gemserv’s performance and progress.

Despite the changes since the last assessment, employees see Gemserv as a ‘purposeful’ organisation and feel increasingly positive about the business. They say Gemserv is very good at recruiting people that fit the culture, is a genuine equal opportunity employer, has a culture where ED&I comes naturally, and they value the high level of flexibility and personal support given to them.

However confident you are that an organisation is performing well, an outside perspective can always see things differently and highlight areas where there is room for improvement.

The report highlighted opportunities to drive greater performance. That feedback will be valuable as we look to implement actions to improve towards the Platinum standard, only achieved by 6% of companies globally that undertake the accreditation.

As an organisation it’s great to be able to use our Investors in People Gold accreditation to show how far we’ve come, but it is just part of a journey towards higher performance.


Marlene Blake

Head of Human Resources

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