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Gemserv supports the design of the Heat Network Technical Assurance Scheme (HNTAS)

3rd Jul, 2023

Gemserv is working alongside Fairheat and the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) on the Heat Networks Technical Assurance Scheme (HNTAS) to develop standardised quality assurance processes for heat networks. 

Heat networks are a key part of the government’s strategy to reach net zero emissions by 2050, and the market is set to grow rapidly. All this recognises the Climate Change Committee’s recommendation that around 18% of UK heat should come from heat networks by 2050. They currently provide about 2-3%. In support of market development, heat networks are on a trajectory to become a regulated utility, similar to gas and electricity. A key component of this new regulatory framework will be the introduction of technical assurance standards and procedures to ensure high performance and good consumer outcomes. 

HNTAS is expected to underpin this regulation to ensure a minimum level of performance and reliability for heat networks, leading to good consumer outcomes. 

The objectives of HNTAS are:  

  • Lower cost of heat, resulting from higher efficiencies 
  • Enhanced reliability, with fewer planned and unplanned outages 
  • Better quality of heat, ensuring required temperatures to consumers 
  • Lower carbon emissions 
  • Confidence in the quality of networks while promoting competition and innovation 
  • Proportionate processes 
  • An operable assurance scheme that the sector can implement

The core principles are that the scheme be outcomes focused, preventative, proportionate, deliverable, adaptable and enforceable.  

Gemserv is leading on the governance workstream and is supporting the technical workstream. We have been facilitating discussions across the key elements of a heat network to gain consensus on and produce a set of explanatory documents. We are considering how the rules come together into workable schemes that reflect regulatory requirements, the heat network development process, the assurance industry’s capacity to undertake conformity assessment. 

To express interest in the development of HNTAS, please email 


Samantha Shea

Head of Policy Insights and Engagement

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