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Flexibility Markets & Demand Side Response are a game changer for UKFlexibility Markets & Demand Side Response are a game changer for UK


Gemserv to support BEIS on Automatic Asset Registration (AAR) Scheme

2nd Sep, 2022

Gemserv is delighted to be working with BEIS on a Feasibility Study for developing an Automatic Asset Registration (AAR) scheme. The aim is to develop an innovative solution to replace manual registration of small-scale demand, generation and storage energy assets.

The project is part of the Government’s £1billion Net Zero Innovation Portfolio (NZIP) which provides funding for low-carbon technologies and systems. By decreasing the costs of decarbonisation, portfolio will help enable the UK to end its contribution to climate change.

This is an exciting step in the development of a low carbon, cheaper and more digital energy distribution network. It will help to increase the effectiveness and uptake of newer technologies, like solar PV, electric vehicles, heat pumps and home battery storage and will contribute to the £10bn saving per year by 2050 that increased flexibility provides.

We will be working with distribution businesses, low carbon technology manufacturers, flexibility providers and other stakeholders during the study. Further information about the AAR programme can be found here.

Miriam Atkin, Director of Energy at Gemserv comments on the importance of this project:

Flexibility is key to addressing energy system challenges of decarbonisation, energy security and lowering consumer bills.  We are delighted to be working with BEIS on this feasibility study to develop the best way to simply enable consumers and low carbon assets participate in the energy revolution.

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Miriam Atkin

Director of Energy

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