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Gemserv to support Utilita Energy in Innovative Heat Pump Trial

9th Aug, 2022

Gemserv is delighted to be working with Utilita Energy, Sunderland City Council and Northern Powergrid to deliver a ground-breaking feasibility study as part of The Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) ‘Heat Pump Ready’ programme.

The ‘Heat Pump Ready’ programme supports the deployment of heat pumps through the development and trial of innovative solutions and methodologies for the optimised deployment of domestic heat pumps, at high-density, in the UK.

Utilita’s project aims to make heat pump technologies accessible and affordable for households across Sunderland. It will involve working in close partnership with Sunderland City Council and Northern Power Grid to identify how to remove barriers to heat pump installations at scale by taking a collaborative and integrated approach.

Samantha Shea, Head of Policy Insight and Engagement at Gemserv comments on the importance of this project:

“We’re delighted to be working with Utilita on this ground-breaking project. Until now, the installation of heat pumps has been piecemeal, and policymakers have been grappling with how to drive demand within communities for some time. Having worked with industry and government on heat pump policy for many years, we understand the challenges associated with high density deployment, so it is great to be part of a team looking at innovative practical solutions to maximise the benefit to consumers and unlock much needed behavioural change.”

Gemserv supported Utilita during the funding application stage and will provide ongoing project management and advice to deliver more cost-effective and high-density deployment of domestic heat pumps. Gemserv is an expert provider of professional services at the forefront of developing and delivering net zero policy, programmes and projects, with a particular specialism in heat decarbonisation. The team brings specialist heat pump and project management expertise and will help to ensure that learnings from the programme are shared widely to support future schemes.


Samantha Shea

Head of Policy Insights and Engagement

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