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The process of installation of the distribution unit heating network. Frame for connecting pipes in the trench of sand.The process of installation of the distribution unit heating network. Frame for connecting pipes in the trench of sand.


Grant Management Schemes: Heat Network Investment Project

17th Oct, 2020


Gemserv has extensive experience advising on, constructing and implementing grant management schemes for the government, including the Heat Network Investment Project (HNIP) for The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). BEIS wanted to promote heat networks installation in England and Wales: they needed a service to assess and process applications for grant funding.

Gemserv forms part of a consortium of firms working together to deliver the HNIP on behalf of BEIS. The fund combines government and private sector finance; made available through a combination of grant and loan products to projects across England and Wales.


Gemserv add value through our in-depth experience of delivering government schemes. In our role, we are responsible for data processing and reporting, engaging stakeholders and ensuring a smooth application journey for public, private and third sector projects seeking to access funding support. This involved producing project application documentation, including application forms, guidance and communications to prospective and actual applicants.

To support the application process, Gemserv developed the data solution Data and Application System (DAS) which has allowed us to successfully conduct the application process.

We have also produced promotional and educational material to encourage potential applicants and to upskill and build capacity within organisations considering a heat network project. We also lead on social media engagement to disseminate relevant information into the marketplace.


Since opening for applications in February 2019, BEIS has awarded over £250 million of HNIP funding in the way of grants and loans to heat networks schemes in England and Wales; supporting the aims of the initiative to increase the number of heat networks and create the conditions for a sustainable market long term.
