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Introduction to COP25

2nd Dec, 2019


The last four years have been the hottest on record. Climate change is impacting everyone, enforcing real consequences on humanity and wildlife, disrupting national economies.

This week, the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP25) is being held in Madrid incorporating Kyoto Protocol (CMP15) and acting as the second meeting for parties in the Paris Agreement (CMA2). COP25 allows for leaders to unite and work on reducing global anthropogenic climate change.

This year, in the build up to the 2019 COP25, we have seen unprecedented worldwide attention to climate change. There has been a global mobilisation and huge growth in number of protests, with leading figures like Greta Thunberg representing the voice of a young generation severely affected by the crisis.

The UK, France, Canada and Ireland have all declared a climate emergency. Populations across the world are waking up to the irrefutable problem, and pressure is mounting rapidly for COP25 to make real progress in the fight against the climate crisis.

Gemserv’s Contribution to the Climate Challenge

Article 6 of the Paris Agreement (2015) requests each country to define its own ‘Nationally Determined Contributions’ (NDCs). This allows countries to self-determine their emissions by either 2025 or 2030, and to revise these goals every five years until then. Renewable energies are playing a huge part in individual country’s climate action.

COP25 will be informed by the outcomes of the UN Climate Action Summit from September 2019. COP25 parties will provide an update on progress made in nine interdependent tracks, one being ‘Energy Transition.’ Led by Denmark and Ethiopia, this focuses on renewable energy transition, energy efficiency and storage, and access to investments and climate finance.

Gemserv is delving into new energy markets which act in accordance with this track, including the biomass fuel industry, electric vehicles (EVs) and heat networks, whilst continuing to improve our national economy to meet Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

Throughout the two weeks of the COP25 summit, Gemserv will be publishing short articles on our work in new energy markets, and our efforts that contribute to the decarbonisation of the UK economy.  We will discuss biomass, EVs, energy efficient systems and connected devices and more, strengthening the UKs response to our global exponential climate threat.

“Renewable energy is the most effective and ready solution to rising carbon emissions. Together with energy efficiency, they can deliver 90 per cent of the emission reductions needed under the Paris Agreement, but investment and deployment must increase significantly.”

Green Climate Fund Executive Director, Yannick Gelmarec
