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Regulation and Regulation Management: Switch Energy Supplier

17th Nov, 2021


Gemserv has significant experience advising, designing and implementing regulatory processes for government and industry.  In this case, improving competition in the energy market through improved customer switching arrangements. This is governed through the Retail Energy Code (REC) which consolidated multiple switching arrangements for the GB energy market into a single regulatory code, bringing electricity and gas switching together under one regime and offering faster more reliable switching for consumers.


We operate key parts of the REC and oversaw the consolidation of previous codes into this new code. Gemserv is responsible for delivering a strategic programme of change to the industry and plays a key role in the administration and operation of the REC. We ensure the proper, effective and efficient implementation and ongoing governance in the market and are responsible for the design and creation of a consumer panel to protect rights of vulnerable customers.

We helped shape the structure of the REC code, ensuring the main REC schedules were well drafted, relevant, comprehensive and capable of being understood by the users and the creation of reporting line for auditing and assurance purposes. We were also responsible for procuring a digital platform to enable switching and change management, the dissolution of parts of the old systems and integration into the new system.


Gemserv digitised the code, web-enabling key processes including search and filtering to identify specific clauses, and identification of code obligations and requirements for individual parties. This delivered significant efficiencies in how parties to the REC manage their obligations, making compliance simpler and easier for parties to the REC.
