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ESG: Common challenges we help clients address

We partner with clients across sectors to build resilient, responsible, and future-proof operations, ensuring compliance whilst driving positive environmental and social outcomes.

At Gemserv, we don’t just support sustainable growth – we help shape the future of business.

Regulation Scanning & Industry Benchmarking

We support clients to monitor complex and unfolding sustainability regulations across the UK and Europe. We translate threats and opportunities into business impacts, and help you understand your competition.

New sustainability regulations are appearing and evolving at an unprecedented rate across sectors and territories, diverting teams and business leaders from delivering impact into compliance catch up. In addition to the need to monitor current obligations and upcoming regulations and assess their direct business impacts, organisations are also aware the pace of change can put them at a competitive disadvantage if they fall behind.

This is time-intensive, with the toll this activity can take on the capacity of teams potentially boundless. Trying to understand how these impacts translate in relation to your competitors and similar organisations can be complex also, but remains no less important.

Gemserv has guided numerous organisations through this initial challenge, helping SME, large and listed organisations gain insight on current and future regulatory requirements. Developing automated monitoring and tracking systems for our clients has enabled their teams to effectively prioritise resources, while we translate the impact of regulations to actionable insights for them. We have helped leaders understand gaps to compliance and developed powerful solutions to address these, ensuring our intelligence provides business-proofed and lasting success.

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Impact measurement & materiality assessment

Working across business units to identify and measure ESG impacts, risks and opportunities. We enable bottom-up insights through expert stakeholder engagement to outline the most material

Business models are being scrutinised for their impacts on natural and human environments. This has created an imperative for organisations to understand what impact they are having, and how this translates to activity. Deep assessment is required to identify impacts, with a strategic and detailed approach key to mitigate negative effects, identify opportunities and align action to stakeholder expectations.

Generally, teams are not equipped with the relevant knowledge and skillsets to identify, measure and, eventually, address sustainability-related impacts internally. They are frequently siloed, limiting the delivery of cross-functional solutions needed to comprehensively gather and consolidate relevant data such as supplier emissions and quantifying impacts on environmental ecosystems. With the added pressure of regulations, stakeholder demands and customer requests, organisations must urgently address gaps in this area.

Helping identify impacts, risks and opportunities is a core function of Gemserv’s ESG team. We leverage our powerful technologies to simply data acquisition and translate findings into footprints which act as the foundation for strategic sustainability. The ESG team are proud to deploy innovative and human-led services to partner with clients and ensure they own the learning we do with them.

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Target-setting & transition plans

Addressing data gaps to build credible and dynamic  targets and transition plans.

As 2050 approaches, setting credible Net Zero and wider environmental and social targets is increasingly crucial. Many organisations have ambitious goals but lack the evidence-based strategies to achieve them. Gemserv helps businesses create credible targets by identifying capabilities, and ensuring goals are dynamic to business growth, climate risks and opportunities. We support organisations to address common challenges such as data gaps, guiding acquisition and governance at the vanguard of innovation with a human touch. Our support extends to developing emissions reduction strategies across scopes 1 to 3 and quantifying product & service impacts for avoided emissions calculation, using data-led insights to co-create robust Net Zero roadmaps.

We translate roadmaps and high-level ambition into regulation, investor and customer request ready transition plans. Gemserv collaborates with organisations to implement these plans, providing strategic support and resources. We ensure sustainability does not become a burdensome agenda item, but instead a strategic priority through creating cost savings, business opportunity and positive impacts across value chains.

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Supply chain engagement

Fostering collaborative, impact-driven relationships with supply chain partners is essential to embed ESG into operations. We bridge gaps, to reformulate what your supply chain means to your business.

Supply chains are the most complex element to engage with when delivering on ESG targets. They are areas which offer the least visibility and require the most action, with a multitude of challenges arising when partners are unable to provide the necessary data. However, further issues arise when organisations attempt to translate data received into insights and subsequent actions for value chain partners.

Supply chains act as an important fulcrum to unlock sustainability in any organisation, and while they have the biggest potential to improve sustainability, they have the greatest ability to limit the success of your efforts. It is important to see the supply chain as a space for collaboration and the complex data garnered from engagement as valuable business intelligence.

Gemserv has broad experience supporting organisations of all sizes to process large volumes of non-financial data into strategic insights. We take these and guide teams through their implications, helping integrate findings into strategies to deliver sustainability impact and ESG excellence.

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Business Intelligence

Synthesising information into a coherent set of actions takes resource and requires strong internal collaboration. We translate your data into insights and intelligence to guide your ESG journey towards excellence.

Consolidating sustainability data requires cross-functionality. Breadth and depth of knowledge become equally important where leaders must make sense of a wealth of information and transform findings into business unit actions.

Gemserv is able to offer support in this space, helping unearth rich insights from a plethora of non-financial data and generate meaningful insights. These will be used to drive improvement, reduce impacts and sustain change. Partnering with you, Gemserv uses its tech capacities to provide you with valuable business intelligence for high-level, strategic and function-specific action.

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