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Heat Networks Optimisation: Guidance to help operators improve performance

Date of event 6 September 2023

Time 14:00 - 15:00


You are invited to attend a webinar focused on new heat networks optimisation guidance produced by Fairheat in collaboration with Anthesis.

The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) commissioned the creation of this work to support the work being undertaken by the Heat Network Efficiency Scheme (HNES) and improve the customer experience of existing heat networks.

In this webinar, we will be joined by Fairheat and Anthesis who will explore the guidance and set out practical steps that heat network operators can take to improve the performance of their systems.

The guidance is primarily aimed at technical engineers working on optimising existing networks but is useful for heat network operators that have technical skills in-house or are looking to procure optimisation studies from third party consultants. Individuals or organisations that do not have a technical background, but are responsible for the operation of heat networks, can use this document to ensure their consultants are following the correct methodologies, that they have the necessary skills and expertise, and that they are producing the required level of output.


Louise Singleton

Principal Consultant – Low Carbon

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