Shaping the Commercial Future of Local Energy Systems – Introducing the Local Energy Market Alliance (LEMA)
The Local Energy Market Alliance (LEMA) has been founded to advance the critical actions essential to shaping a fully commercialised marketplace for funding, building, operating, and maintaining Local Energy Systems.
LEMA is the result of the great progress made in recent industry-specific working groups where key stakeholders recommended the establishment of a local energy systems market alliance. Traxis Group and Gemserv have spent the past months developing LEMA and have now signed an MoU and incorporated the company.
LEMA is a unique opportunity for businesses to commercialise their innovation through engaging, connecting and collaborating with organisations that have complementary capabilities and parallel interests, to build a commercial marketplace.
At the LEMA Webinar we look forward to:
- Introducing LEMA, describing how it will operate and what makes it a ‘market alliance’.
- Illustrating the work that LEMA will, and is already, undertaking and the value that your business will gain from being a part of LEMA.
- Hearing from prospective LEMA members, market-leading companies in sectors including finance, property, energy, service equipment & platform suppliers, consultancies, and community representatives.
Confirmed speakers so far are.
- Local Energy Systems – Practicalities and Market Barriers with Cheryl Hiles (WMCA), Luisa Matos (Cleanwatts), Laurent Schmitt (dcbel)
How to Register
If you would like to register for this event please visit our Eventbrite page. Should you have any questions about this event or LEMA more generally, please contact: