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Miriam Atkin

Director of Energy

As member of the Gemserv Executive team, Miriam leads the Energy Business unit and Digital teams overseeing delivery of services to clients in the Energy sector. Miriam is also a Gemserv Board member.

With a depth of experience in energy regulation, governance and assurance, the Energy business unit comprises a range of subject matter experts who have earned their stripes working in operational roles within the Energy sector. That expertise, combined with our deep digital capability, enables the business unit to offer unique insights and solutions to support to our clients.

Miriam joined Gemserv in 2018 and draws from her broad career to apply a customer-centric focus to the solutions and services we provide to our Energy and Digital clients.

Latest Thoughts By Miriam Atkin

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    Thought Leadership

    Gemserv Predicts 2024

  • Futuristic solar technique on a new housing settlement - Low Carbon energy

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    Press Release, News

    Gemserv partners with Traxis Energy to launch Local Energy Markets Alliance LTD (LEMA)

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    Insight, Thought Leadership, Capabilities

    Gemserv Predicts 2023 Part Two

  • Energy Meter and Electricity Pylon image - Energy code

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    Consultation Responses, News

    Energy Code Governance Reform

  • Virtual Reality headset, double exposure, metaverse, futuristic virtual world, state of consciousness, technology

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    Insight, Thought Leadership, Capabilities

    Gemserv Predicts 2023

  • Flexibility Markets & Demand Side Response are a game changer for UK

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    Gemserv to support BEIS on Automatic Asset Registration (AAR) Scheme