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#WomenAtWork: What does equity look like in the construction, energy and transport sectors?

Date of event 15 March 2023

Time 12:00 - 13:00

Location Online

When you picture a construction site do you visualise a male or female dominated workforce? How about the transport industry? Or the energy sector?

Many of us have our own biases when it comes to the construction, energy and transport workforce as a result of adverts, films and day to day encounters that have influenced the way we view these sectors. Changing our own biases is the first step to creating an inclusive environment where women can not only progress but thrive.

47% of the UK workforce is made up of women yet in the construction, energy and transport industry women remain underrepresented. Women account for only 20% of the transport sector (Women in Transport), 12.8% of the construction workforce (Women in Construction) and 22% of the traditional energy sector (IEA). From the recruitment process through to retirement many companies are struggling to attract, retain and develop women’s careers. But why?

International Women’s Day (March 8) is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political.

This year to celebrate International Women’s Day The Equal Group will be hosting a webinar on 15th March, where they will aim to discuss:

  • What is the difference between equity and equality?
  • What does equity look like in the construction, energy and transport sectors?
  • What are the barriers faced by women in these industries? How can we begin to remove those barriers
  • Experiences of being a women in the construction, energy and transport sector; including positives, negatives, assumptions and consequences of bias
  • Driving change; what can women, men as allies and organisations do to better support women in these sectors

Gemserv’s Executive Director, Miriam Atkin will be one of the guest experts on this webinar.

How to Register

To find out more, including how to register please visit The Equal Group’s website.


Miriam Atkin

Director of Energy

Read Bio