

Data (Use and Access) Bill – a more commercial approach to data protection

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Supporting BrainDrip LLC's Entry into the Hydrogen Market

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Hydrogen UK: Annual Conference and Awards

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Staff in office kitchen areaStaff in office kitchen area

Life at Gemserv

Our staff are involved with some of the most exciting and challenging projects across the rapidly evolving energy, cyber security and health sectors. Attracting, retaining and investing in the development of our people has helped us grow the business significantly in recent years and we have big ambitions for further growth. Gemserv is an equal opportunities employer, we celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees.

Flexible Working

At Gemserv, we understand that one of the most important factors for accepting any new role is the work/life balance. Therefore, flexible working is something that we feel strongly about. Whether this means being able to work from home, working outside of the 9-5 or working compressed hours. We are open to hearing from all candidates and would welcome the opportunity to discuss flexibility around all the roles that we are recruiting for.

Work from anywhere policy: In addition to flexibly working, we have introduced a work from anywhere policy into the company.

Investors in People (IIP) Gold Standard

Gemserv has been re-awarded the prestigious Investors in People (IIP) Gold standard, placing the organisation amongst the best companies to work for in the UK.

Investors in People is the UK’s leading accreditation for business improvement through people management, and provides a wealth of resources for businesses to innovate, improve and grow, with a focus on good people making great businesses.

Click here to learn more.

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Our Mentoring

As well as investing in developing our people, we also work in partnership with a number of initiatives to support young people just starting on their career paths. Annually we host paid internships, apprenticeships and work experience, as well as being involved with the University of East London Student Mentoring Programme and ‘Resurgo’s programme to support young people facing barriers to employment.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Every year we support two charities and will work with them throughout the year to raise money for their worthy causes. Our charities our decided by our staff and we do everything from cake sales to marathons.

This year we are supporting:

    Us in a Bus

    Us in a Bus specialises in providing high quality, effective, innovative and unique services for people who are ‘difficult to reach’.