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AMO Case Study

6th Apr, 2016

Client: Association of Meter Operators (AMO)

Title: AMO Service Provider

Our Service: Financial Management/Secretariat/Event Management

The Challenge

The Association of Meter Operators (AMO) was established by metering companies in 1996 to represent their interests in the evolving market.

Gemserv were appointed as the AMO’s service provider in 2003, and since that time have helped support the Association’s progression, providing a full end-to-end secretariat provision, including financial, meeting, event and website management.

Our Role

Financial Management

Gemserv’s service provision to the AMO includes comprehensive financial management, helping develop annual budgets, allowing us to provide updates on forecast and spend ensuring that the AMO Committee (who have financial oversight of the Association’s activity) are kept appraised of all activity with regards to the cash flow of the organisation.


We facilitate and manage all of the Association’s meetings, who meet on average up to 20 times per annum (both workgroups and the Committee). This includes all preparation, hosting, catering and management for each meeting, including the provision of a minute taker. Gemserv also manage all the post meeting activities, including the distribution and publication of all meeting minutes and associated material.

Event Management

A comprehensive event management service for the AMO is provided which includes hosting (including catering), facilitating, managing and the financial control of all of the organisation’s training events. Additionally the organisation of the event includes the sourcing of the presenters, managing the delegate bookings, and compilation of the presentation material. On the day, event management services are provided, as well as ensuring all delegate feedback is collated and fed back to the Committee post event. Gemserv also ensures that all fees are collected prior to the event and the post event provides a credit control facility to the AMO.
