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Padlocks icons over the top of a person typing on a laptop keyboard | Infosecurity Europe 2023


Data Protection and Employment Challenges at the time of Covid-19

5th May, 2020

During these unique times, many organisations have switched to remote working and have to process health data from their staff. Employers are in the difficult position where they have to collect enough data to protect their workforce, whilst ensuring that they are not collecting the types of personal data that will put them in breach of the law.

Additionally, having employees working from home raises challenges in monitoring staff performance and productivity. The rules around those two areas depend mainly on each country’s local employment legislation, with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) only as a guidance.

We have produced a paper, where we review and draw up a summary of the situation across the UK and a few European countries, France, Germany, Ireland and Spain.

To access this paper, simply click on the button below:


Kaveh Cope-Lahooti

Principal Consultant - Data Privacy

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