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Featured: FNZ In Focus – Are EVs Really Green?

4th Nov, 2020

In October our Head of Electric and Autonomous Vehicles, Joachim Brandt wrote a blog for future Net Zero (FNZ), where he discusses whether electric vehicles are really green?

Blog Extract

Petrol and Diesel vehicles are destined to be phased out. Increasing concerns about air quality and the fear of the devastating impact climate change may have, are a strong impetus to swing into action sooner rather than later and curb the harmful emissions from fossil fuel vehicles.

Everything has upsides and downsides, so what makes Electric Vehicles (EVs) such an attractive choice to replace fossil fuel vehicles?

While Diesel and Petrol vehicles have come a long way, any further improvements to reduce emissions will significantly increase vehicle cost at marginal gains.

In comparison, electric vehicles open doors to new technologies that will provide a pathway to continuous improvement, as well as a migration from the old world to the new horizons of connected autonomous vehicles.

To read the full blog on FNZ’s website, please click the link below.
