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Gemserv Stakeholder Survey: Focusing on what matters

10th Mar, 2020

Gemserv works across multiple sectors including energy, health and the public sector providing a wide range of capabilities such as scheme management, data governance and digital transformation. To understand how we are performing, and where we can improve, we asked our stakeholders for their feedback in the second half of 2019.

Heading in the right direction

The good news is that our stakeholders feel we are performing well, and we received an overall mean satisfaction rating of 82%. The survey asked respondents to score us across 8 categories:

  • Engagement;
  • People;
  • Proposition;
  • Project management;
  • Working relationship;
  • Exceptional service;
  • Awareness raising; and
  • Events.

Out of the 8 categories, Gemserv consistently scored over 80%, with the outlier being exceptional service at 77%. Respondents felt that across all 8 categories we consistently performed better than competitors which they identified.  We also equaled or outperformed industry benchmark statistics for similar organisations in 5 of the 8 areas. There was an average gap of minus 11 between Gemserv’s overall performance and respondents’ desired performance. The independent survey company we used commented that this is one of the lowest negative gap scores they have experienced for an organisation providing consultancy and services to regulated sectors.

Trevor Hutchings, Director of Strategy and Communications, said:

“Conducting this survey was a necessary step for Gemserv. We believe in making things that matter work better for everyone, and to achieve that we need a solid foundation of trust with our stakeholders.”

“It has been great to see such positive feedback with Gemserv seen as a ‘solid and competent’ organisation, with good capabilities. This is an endorsement of our investment in providing the best possible service for clients and of our role in helping to shape markets. However, there are also areas we must improve upon and we are already doubling down on these. I would like to thank all of those who took part in the survey. Your feedback is vital.”

Areas of focus for us

As a result of the feedback we have received, we are:

  • Strengthening our strategic account management, with more engagement by senior staff, as part of our efforts to achieve ‘exceptional service’ for clients;
  • Sharing greater insights from our work across our networks;
  • Ensuring that our longer-term strategy is better understood by our stakeholders; and
  • Doing more to communicate the breadth of our services and capabilities to the markets we serve, identifying opportunities to collaborate.

Find out more

Our survey was conducted on an anonymous basis to ensure impartiality and, as such, we cannot comment on the nature of specific feedback. If you would like to find out more about the survey, or our future plans, please do get in touch with us by following this link.

Our Sectors

  • An image of a printed circuit board | Cyber Security, Privacy and Digital Services Consultants | Gemserv

    Cyber & Digital

    The leading independent Cyber & Digital professional services consultancy.

  • Energy Light Bulbs


    As market initiatives drive change, we ensure those ambitions are realised through smart design and management of complex market arrangements.

  • Health

    Our expertise in healthcare covers professional services, technology and data.

  • Solar panels on the roof of new built houses in The Netherlands collecting green energy from the sun in a modern and sustainable way.

    Low Carbon

    With our clients we are transforming markets, to deliver net zero.

  • An ariel photography of a city scape | Public Sector

    Public Sector

    Our professional services are helping improve vital public services.
