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GemTALK Webinar: Making Lemonade – opportunities the better normal presents for the energy sector [Post Event Content]

8th Jul, 2020

In the world of the “better normal”, resilience, adaptability and data have been thrown into the spotlight, highlighting how important they are to businesses.  

So what are the challenges and how can you adapt to turn these into opportunities? 

This GemTALK webinar with E.ON, saw our industry experts address key questions such as:

  • Why are cyber and business continuity going to be even higher on the agenda post COVID-19?
  • How can energy companies do more with potentially less resources?
  • How can improved cyber resilience and data privacy (and data ethics) support better understanding and management of data assets?
  • What are the opportunities that exist for energy companies that can do this?

We found the webinar was a good way of connecting with you all and we hope that you found the event engaging and informative.

Missed the Webinar….? Don’t worry we’ve got you covered!

If you missed the webinar then you can catch up via the link below:


Ian Davis

Head of Information Security

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