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Hydrogen Hub Launches New Website and Announces New Chairman

18th Jun, 2019

The Hydrogen Hub announces today the official launch of its website and a new Chairman – Kevin Fothergill.

The Hydrogen Hub is devoted to establishing the UK as a global leader in hydrogen and fuel cell technology. The Hub brings together industry, businesses, stakeholders and local authorities to develop and deploy hydrogen and fuel cell projects, meeting current energy and transportation needs and driving industry investment at a local and national level.

The website outlines the objectives and approach of the Hydrogen Hub and demonstrates the benefits both of hydrogen and fuel cell technology and also of the Hydrogen Hub model.

Hydrogen Hub’s new Chairman, Kevin Fothergill said:

“We’re really excited about the launch. The Hydrogen Hub Initiative will work to facilitate the introduction of hydrogen and fuel cells as a key part of the UK’s transition to a low carbon economy. We look forward to working with the Government and other stakeholders to shape energy and transportation policy and supporting UK businesses in the practical deployment of these new technologies”

Kevin Fothergill is an expert in hydrogen and fuel cell technologies having provided leadership to the industry over the past 12 years.

Clare Jackson, Hydrogen Hub Manager:

“With the new website we hope to showcase some of the exciting projects and work that the Hydrogen Hub is undertaking and encourage more organisations and businesses to join our community and support this valuable opportunity to cost-effectively deliver secure energy whilst significantly reducing pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.”

For more information please see or contact Clare Jackson at


Notes to editor:

The Hydrogen Hub is an industry-led community of stakeholders from across the hydrogen and fuel cell supply chain, Government, local authorities, businesses and current and potential users.

The Executive Members provide strategic direction, set Hydrogen Hub priorities and take a leadership role in the development of projects in the Local Hydrogen Hubs. They also make up the members of the National Hydrogen Hub which work with the Government to shape energy and transportation policy in the UK.

Hydrogen and fuel cell technology is at an exciting stage of development. Having been in the research and development phase for over 20 years, the technology is just reaching the point of commercialisation with products being launched onto the UK market. The growth of this industry is expected to rapidly accelerate over the next decade and British companies are well placed to drive and capitalise on this growth.

Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies offer the UK a long-term opportunity to cost-effectively deliver secure high quality energy services whilst significantly reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and local pollution. The value of hydrogen-based energy systems lies in their flexibility. Hydrogen is able to connect and satisfy differing energy domains from electricity generation to building level heat, to transport. In this sense one energy carrier can deliver mutually beneficial efficiencies between previously distinct domains of generation, heating and transport.


Clare Jackson

Head of Innovation - Low Carbon

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