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IGT UNC Case Study

6th Nov, 2015

Client: Independent Gas Transporters Uniform Network Code (IGT UNC)

Title: IGT|UNC  Service Provider

Our Service: Code Administration

The Independent Gas Transporters Uniform Network Code (IGT UNC) was established in 2007, following designation by the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority. The purpose of the code is to facilitate streamlining and harmonisation of the network code arrangements for the IGTs.

The UNC is a hub around which the competitive gas industry revolves, comprising a legal and contractual framework to ship and transport gas.

The Challenge in 2007

The IGT UNC parties consisted of six IGTs, each holding licences issued by Ofgem. These licences allowed them to operate, maintain and own local gas transportation networks across Great Britain.

The IGTs’ extensive networks connected around 1.5 million commercial and domestic consumers throughout the UK.

Gemserv was selected to fulfil the role of Code Administrator, and to provide the following services on behalf of the IGTs and wider industry:

  • Provision of secretariat services for meetings of the IGT UNC Modification Panel;
  • Production of modification reports for circulation to industry parties;
  • Liaison with Ofgem and the Authority on behalf of the IGTs and the IGT UNC Modification Panel;
  • Provision of Chair and secretariat services for the IGT UNC Modification Workstream meetings;
  • Publication of all documentation relating to modifications and meetings to industry;
  • Provision and maintenance of the IGT UNC website; and
  • Drafting and publication of relevant industry consultation responses as directed by the Panel.

Our Approach

Gemserv utilises key personnel that have the practical knowledge of processes and procedures, which support change management, accessions and issue resolution. Combined with their understanding of the commercial interactions between transporters and shippers/suppliers, Gemserv ensure that high quality services are delivered to meet the IGT UNC stakeholders’ expectations.

Additionally, Gemserv’s Quality Management System ensures that all business processes and documented procedures are at the ISO 9001 standard for an effective service delivery.

Gemserv’s reputation and energy market credentials in providing secretariat and analytical services across the gas and electricity industry for the United Kingdom mean that the IGTs benefit from an expert knowledge base that helps move their businesses forward.

Today in 2021, Gemserv are still trusted to provide services to the growing IGT market. There are now 15 licensed IGT networks transporting to over 2.5 million commercial and domestic consumers.
