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More than one million jobs could be supported by the low carbon and renewable energy sector in England by 2050

11th Feb, 2021

The UK government continues to react to new economic challenges, while driving decarbonisation as part of the country’s key leadership role in the upcoming COP26 environmental conference. We’re pleased to see that our green jobs report continues to receive positive media coverage on the back of these changes, showcasing the real opportunities to be gained from a low carbon growth economy.

Our report, which we developed with the Local Government Association, projects the total number of jobs that are likely to be supported by the low carbon and renewable energy sector in England up until 2050, and is informed by leading industry insight and views on technology requirements needed to meet net zero emissions.

According to our analysis, over 1.18 million jobs could be supported by the low carbon and renewable energy sector in England by 2050 and nearly 700,000 by 2030, in industries such as alternative fuels, energy efficiency, low emission vehicles, and low carbon heat and power. The changes in the economy needed to meet net zero emissions are significant, as are the employment and economic growth opportunities.

Over 1.18 million jobs could be supported by the low carbon and renewable energy sector in England by 2050 and nearly 700,000 by 2030.

 As part of the process of developing these estimates, we interviewed a group of industry experts to understand their views on the evolving employment opportunities and skills requirements in their industries. This group included solar PV developers, low carbon heating system and energy efficiency manufacturers, automotive experts, fuel cell manufacturers, biofuels experts, and low carbon legal and financial service providers.

Our interviewees agreed with many leading economists and policymakers that a green post-COVID recovery led by low carbon industries offers the opportunity for long-term employment and economic growth1. But our respondents also identified evolving skills gaps and barriers that if left unaddressed could slow the roll-out of low-carbon technologies and services. The report includes a summary of these views on skills gaps broken down by each low carbon industry.

A green post-COVID recovery led by low carbon industries offers the opportunity for long-term employment and economic growth.

If you would like more information on this topic, please don’t hesitate to reach out. The full report is also available here.



1  Hepburn, C., O’Callaghan, B., Stern, N., Stiglitz, J., and Zenghelis, D. (2020) Will COVID-19 fiscal recovery packages accelerate or retard progress on climate change?


Robert Honeyman

Research Director - Low Carbon

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