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Electricity transmission towers with orange glowing wires the starry night sky. Energy infrastructure concept.Electricity transmission towers with orange glowing wires the starry night sky. Energy infrastructure concept.


Powering Up Britain – Where’s the Flexibility?

6th Apr, 2023

Last week saw the greatly anticipated ‘Green Day’. The Government released its revised and updated strategy in achieving Britain’s long-term Energy Security.

It was a surprise to me that Energy Flexibility seemed to be wholly missing from the 30-page ‘Powering Up Britain’ publication. A quick ‘Ctrl-F’ did not yield much joy in finding terms like Flexibility, Flexible Energy, Demand Side Response or even the high-profile public-engaging Demand Flexibility Service.

How do we interpret the omission of Energy Flexibility?

Well, some of the critical enablers of dependable capacity from Flexibility are certainly present in the strategy. Investment in the deployment of EVs and EV infrastructure, the drive for the deployment of renewables, rollout of heat pumps and a critical focus on improving energy efficiency are among these.

It therefore could be the case that, for those of us involved in driving forward Flexible Energy Markets, we should be quietly assuming that Flexibility is still a key component in our nation’s push towards Net Zero. It is business as usual, but we were simply missed off this year’s Easter card list!

Government may have been keen to inspire confidence, showing that it is taking centralised responsibility for the UK’s Energy Security and that the public need not be concerned or relied upon participants. However, it does feel like a sorely missed opportunity. The Government could have used the release of Powering Up Britain and the platform of ‘Green Day’ to cement the foundations for an enhanced buy-in from the public and energy consumers/prosumers. Their capacity to be a fundamental part of the UK’s Energy Security solution, through their own energy flexibility, should have been highlighted.

Is Energy Flexibility totally ignored?

On top of ‘Green Day’, last week also saw the critical release of the Smart Secure Energy System consultation response. This tackles the detailed technical end of matters at device level that will propel digital interactions, data standards and the automation of Energy Flexibility.

This Easter, the industry is also busy preparing its responses to Ofgem’s Call for Input on The Future of Distributed Flexibility. We have the opportunity to tackle some of the wider digital infrastructure questions that will unlock a timely, commercially sound and fit for future Flexibility system.

With that, I think we can be confident Energy Flexibility is still high on the agenda.

How we can help

At Gemserv, our Flexible Markets Programme is helping organisations, both traditional and new to the market, prepare for, implement and analyse innovative projects across the demand-response arena, enhancing the evidence case for new market arrangements, systems and consumer/prosumer solutions in Flexibility. We take our leading, market shaping responsibility seriously, and strongly encourage a fit-for-future Flexible Energy System.

If you are interested in talking to Gemserv about Flexibility, and preparing for future markets, please get in touch with us at


Gavin Beresford

Principal Consultant

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