

Data (Use and Access) Bill – a more commercial approach to data protection

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Supporting BrainDrip LLC's Entry into the Hydrogen Market

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Hydrogen UK: Annual Conference and Awards

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Futuristic solar technique on a new housing settlement - Low Carbon energyFuturistic solar technique on a new housing settlement - Low Carbon energy

Energy In Buildings

The energy sector is changing

The built environment plays a pivotal role in our lives and our economy. We stand at the centre of policy development for future heat decarbonisation plans, working with clients and the government at the forefront of initiatives to grow sustainable energy markets, such as the Heat Network Efficiency Scheme (HNES).

Capitalising on our political insight, we have delivered numerous projects to promote more efficient, affordable buildings. We help clients define and deliver market objectives and shape government strategies and policies to ensure that they are fit for the future.

Our Sectors

  • An image of a printed circuit board | Cyber Security, Privacy and Digital Services Consultants | Gemserv

    Cyber & Digital

    The leading independent Cyber & Digital professional services consultancy.

  • Energy Light Bulbs


    As market initiatives drive change, we ensure those ambitions are realised through smart design and management of complex market arrangements.

  • Health

    Our expertise in healthcare covers professional services, technology and data.

  • Solar panels on the roof of new built houses in The Netherlands collecting green energy from the sun in a modern and sustainable way.

    Low Carbon

    With our clients we are transforming markets, to deliver net zero.

  • An ariel photography of a city scape | Public Sector

    Public Sector

    Our professional services are helping improve vital public services.