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Data illustration | Gemserv CapabilitiesData illustration | Gemserv Capabilities

Data Protection Officer Service

Fully outsourced data protection officers and data privacy advisers for data-driven organisations.

Experts in data privacy, technology and our sectors

Our data privacy consultants combine a deep knowledge of international data protection regulations, case law and guidance with specialist knowledge of advertising and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology and the emerging needs of our key sectors of

    Online Retail

Which service is right for you?

All organisations need data privacy advice from time to time, but not all organisations need to appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO).

Our outsourced Data Protection Officer (oDPO) service

Choose this service because:

  • You are a public authority or body (except for courts acting in their judicial capacity).
  • Your core activities require large scale, regular and systematic monitoring of individuals (for example online behaviour tracking).
  • Your core activities consist of large scale processing of special categories of data or data relating to criminal convictions and offences.

You might also choose to appoint a DPO if you think it will help your organisation, for example because it will help your customers trust you.

If you appoint a DPO, your DPO must carry out certain tasks for you. You need to choose someone who is up to date with privacy law and developments, senior enough to report to your highest level of management, but not a manager with responsibility for deciding how personal data is processed themselves. Most organisations either create a new role to do this, or they choose an outsourced DPO who understands their industry and activities, such as Gemserv.

Our data privacy adviser service is right for you if you do not need or want to appoint a DPO, but you do want to have access to expert privacy advice when you need it. This service will not carry out the tasks of a DPO but will provide guidance and support.

Data Privacy Adviser

Your data privacy adviser will provide advice and guidance when you need it. Common questions include:

  • Support to deal with data subject rights requests such as access requests.

  • Help with responding to supplier data protection questionnaires.

  • Help with designing and implementing new systems and procedures.

  • Help with drafting policies and training programmes.

  • Advice for organisations considering entering new markets.

  • Support to maintain documentation such as records of processing activities, privacy notices, data protection impact assessments and legitimate interest assessments.

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Thought Leadership

3 compelling ways to combat the challenges in AdTech

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How do we advertise effectively in the age of data privacy?

Our Latest Thoughts

Read our latest insights into Data Protection by clicking the link below.

Get in touch

If you would like to know more about our work, or would like to speak with one of our experts, please complete our contact us form.