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Men working on fitting solar panels as part of green energy initiative.Men working on fitting solar panels

Green Skills and Jobs

What needs to change in the national and regional labour market for the UK to meet net zero?

Gemserv provides data-driven green skills and jobs insight at a regional and national level, using our industry contacts on the ground and economic modelling capabilities. Our reports have been used to provide the evidence and business case for local skills funding.

For over 15 years, we have been at the forefront of retrofit and low carbon energy policy development at local and national levels. As authors of the Local Government Association’s report on green skills and several regional reports for local and combined authorities, our team has a wealth of experience in developing evidence based reports to support local decision making and national policy advocacy activities.

Combining deep low-carbon policy knowledge, with our team’s economic modelling capabilities and industry and academic stakeholder network, we can assess the current state of green employment in regional areas and evidence evolving skills gaps as the UK transitions to net zero. Our ongoing work with several trade associations (including Hydrogen UK, the Heat Pump Association, the National Insulation Association and the Sustainable Energy Association) on government policy, training, and skills, enables our team to contribute proprietary knowledge to green skills and jobs research.

Alongside BNP Paribas and TeachFirst, our team is working to inspire the leaders of tomorrow to tackle climate change through the ‘Leaders for a Changing World’ programme – an enhanced school curriculum which improves access to climate education.

Our team is experienced at undertaking qualitative and quantitative research with a particular specialism in green skills. We have supported the development of regional and sub-regional policy in relation to energy efficiency, infrastructure development and skills and training. We have extensive networks throughout the energy efficiency and low carbon heat supply chain with strong relationships with key actors for example MCS, the Retrofit Academy, heat pump manufacturers, energy efficiency installers, trade associations and energy advice agencies.

  • What is Climate Change?

    Will Taylor, Senior Low Carbon Consultant, explores exactly what climate change is, what it means for us, and why it is important that we address it.

  • What are 'Green Jobs'?

    Will Taylor, Senior Low Carbon Consultant, explains what green jobs are, and why they’re so crucial in the path to net zero

  • Why are green jobs important?

    Robert Honeyman, Head of Analysis, explains the significance of green jobs and just how many we may need to achieve our net zero goals

  • What green jobs can you do?

    Megan Hulme, Policy and Insight Analyst, shares the array of green jobs out there, what they entail, and how many current roles have transferrable skills.

  • What skills and qualifications do you need?

    Anna Quincey, Economic Analyst, discusses the educational qualifications needed to train in green jobs, and how accessible they are.

  • What support is available to gain green skills?

    Will Taylor, Senior Low Carbon Consultant, shares how easy it is to get involved and train in green skills and jobs.

    Recent Projects

    Gemserv research finds rapid growth in skills needed to achieve net zero targets in the South West.

    Find out more

    Meet the Team