

Data (Use and Access) Bill – a more commercial approach to data protection

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Case Studies

Supporting BrainDrip LLC's Entry into the Hydrogen Market

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Hydrogen UK: Annual Conference and Awards

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Solar panels on the roof of new built houses in The Netherlands collecting green energy from the sun in a modern and sustainable way.Solar panels on the roof of new built houses in The Netherlands collecting green energy from the sun in a modern and sustainable way.

Low Carbon

The transition to a low carbon world continues to gather pace as pressure to tackle the climate emergency mounts. At Gemserv, we see this shift as an exciting opportunity for the development of better ways of working and living which will reduce environmental impact as well as deliver wider benefits to society. With our clients we are transforming markets, to deliver net zero.

Making the most of the low carbon opportunity

The progress made so far in reducing carbon emissions, particularly from power generation, has been impressive but to achieve stretching net zero targets we need to go much further.

The years ahead will see nothing short of a revolution in the way we heat our homes and travel. New technologies and markets will help the grid manage ever-greater levels of intermittent renewable generation and innovation in areas such as green hydrogen hold the promise of abundant low-carbon energy.

Making the most of these opportunities will not only put us on the path to achieving net zero, but will also lead to reduced costs for businesses and consumers, better-insulated homes, cleaner air and the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs in low carbon industries.

Gemserv has played a key role in some of the biggest initiatives to date in paving the way for a lower carbon world and we are now actively involved in work right across the sector, from the rollout of EV infrastructure to the development of heat networks.

As the low carbon landscape continues to develop, our experience in working collaboratively with government, regulators, industry bodies and businesses will provide confidence and integrity to ensure everyone is able to benefit from the opportunities ahead.

Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

Is your company ready for the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive? Our ESG specialists take a look at the risks, challenges and FAQs to prepare your company for the compliance requirements.

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CSR concept and business planting
Image of Smart home control panel on virtual screen. Internet of things, IOT, process automation concept.

Tomorrow’s Energy Economy

The world of energy has dramatically changed, with technology and innovation now carving out new opportunities which will transform how we approach and integrate more sustainable solutions.

Our experts across key areas such as low carbon, data protection, cyber security, energy and hydrogen are looking at not only how the future of energy will transform business, but also how it can make businesses more efficient, profitable and future ready.

The race is on. Let’s take a look at what tomorrow’s energy economy might look like.

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How we deliver

We specialise in complex and highly regulated energy and environmental sectors at the forefront of a changing world, offering a comprehensive range of services for organisations in both the public and private sector.

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Recent Thoughts: Low Carbon

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    Press Release

    Gemserv to deliver the Heat Network Efficiency Scheme (HNES) until 2029

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    Blog, Insight

    Is data protection and AI affecting your marketing email deliverability?

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    Insight, Research Papers

    Non-Electrolytic Hydrogen Production Technology Types

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    The importance of efficient heat networks in social housing

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    Ireland's Elections: What's next for climate pledges?

  • Gas pipes carrying hydrogen with wind turbines in the background

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    Case Study

    Supporting BrainDrip LLC's Entry into the Hydrogen Market