Privacy and cyber security consultants with 20 years experience of assuring Codes.
Gemserv is a specialist in Code administration and our privacy experts are shortlisted for PICCASO Privacy Award for Best Privacy Programme 2022 for our work assuring the privacy section of the Smart Energy Code (SEC). We were founded in 2002 to administer the Master Registration Agreement and have been assuring Codes, including the privacy and cyber security elements, ever since.
We support Code Managers to write, maintain and assure compliance with industry codes.
Experts in Privacy Assurance for Code Managers
Our data privacy and cyber security specialists are highly experienced in carrying out assurance assessments, reviewing Code change requests and assuring the ongoing effectiveness of your Code. We assure compliance with Codes and standards including the Smart Energy Code, the Retail Energy Code, ISO standards including ISO 27001 (information security management) and ISO 27701 (privacy information management), PCI DSS (payment card security), Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus, the ICO Accountability Framework, NIS Directive Framework and bespoke assessments reviewing specific risk areas such as Subject Access Request procedures.
Our Experts
- Mandeep Thandi
Director of Cyber & Privacy
- Mark Railton
Practice Lead – Cyber Security & Privacy Team
- Camilla Winlo
Head of Data Privacy
- Kaveh Cope-Lahooti
Principal Consultant – Data Privacy
- Llinos Bradley
Senior Data Protection Consultant